Más Allá De Los Niños índigo

Resumen del libro

libro Más Allá De Los Niños índigo

The first major study of today’s children, and their place in our rapidly changing world, that combines objective research with mystical revelation and prophecy • Provides detailed information about the world changes that will take place before and after December 21, 2012 • Explores the seven root races representing the genetic gene pool of the human family and the phenomenon of soaring intelligence • Connects the arrival of the Indigo Children with the fulfillment of the Fifth World of the Mayan calendar and other great prophecies According to prophecy, the fifth world of the Mayan calendar moves into a higher octave of vibration, or ascension, on December 21, 2012. This date represents a gateway of planetary development that will open humanity to new ways of living and new worlds of opportunity. Our passage through this gateway depends on the extraordinary new children–those born since 1982–to help us through the changes ahead. P. M. H. Atwater illuminates the characteristics of this fifth root race and explores their relationship to the prophecies in the Mayan calendar.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 288
  • Autor: P M H Atwater
  • Tamaño: 1.96 - 2.31 MB
  • Descargas: 1985

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