Look, I Can Talk!

Resumen del libro

libro Look, I Can Talk!

Using the world famous Total Physical Response (known world-wide as TPR), teaching method, Blaine Ray shows you step-by-step how to tell a story with physical actions. Next, your students tell the story to each other in their own words using the target language. They then act it out, write it and read it. Each Student Book for Level 1 comes in your choice of English, Spanish, French or German and has 12 main stories 24 additional action-packed picture stories Many options for retelling each story Reading and writing exercises galore. Blaine personally guarantees that each of your students will eagerly tell stories in the target language by using the Student Book.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 130
  • Autor: Blaine Ray
  • Tamaño: 1.82 - 2.39 MB
  • Descargas: 1832

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