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libro Libre

La novela m�s personal y tierna de Patrick Ness, el aclamado autor de Un monstruo viene a verme. Este es el d�a m�s dif�cil en la vida de Adam Thorn. Su exnovio, al que todav�a quiere, se va para no volver. La relaci�n con su actual pareja, al que tambi�n quiere, peligra gravemente. Su hermano ha dejado a una chica embarazada, sus padres se niegan a aceptar su homosexualidad y, en el trabajo, sufre acoso laboral. Adem�s, un fantasma ha despertado de las profundidades del lago y avanza hacia el pueblo… ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Inspired by Judy Blumes Forever and Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway, this novel that Andrew Smith calls beautiful, enchanting, [and] exquisitely written is a new classic about teenage relationships, self-acceptance–and what happens when the walls we build start coming down. Adam Thorn doesnt know it yet, but today will change his life. Between his religious family, a deeply unpleasant ultimatum from his boss, and his own unrequited love for his sort-of ex, Enzo, it seems as though Adams life is falling apart. At least he has two people to keep him sane: his new boyfriend (he does love Linus, doesnt he?) and his best friend, Angela. But all day long, old memories and new heartaches come crashing together, throwing Adams life into chaos. The bindings of his world are coming untied one by one, yet in spite of everything he has to let go, he may also find freedom in the release. From the New York Times bestselling author of A Monster Calls comes a raw, darkly funny, and deeply affecting story about the courage it takes to live your truth.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 320
  • Autor: Patrick Ness
  • Tamaño: 1.91 - 2.36 MB
  • Descargas: 2050

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