Cuentos De Encuentros Y Desencuentros Amorosos

Resumen del libro

libro Cuentos De Encuentros Y Desencuentros Amorosos

Each story plotted here, opens the door to a labyrinth of unexpected emotions, ambiguities, indecipherable loyalties and abandonment. In the tone, there is a mixture of melancholy and boldness that makes us prey of its spell. In each story, some happy, some scary, there is always the certainty that all encounters, all mix-ups, all losses, leave an irrevocable mark. After traveling with the voices and the glances of extraordinary writers, a spirit of great literature is left.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 416
  • Autor: Angeles Mastretta
  • Tamaño: 1.93 - 2.47 MB
  • Descargas: 518

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