Cuaderno De Ejercicios Para Negociar Rapido Y Bien

Resumen del libro

libro Cuaderno De Ejercicios Para Negociar Rapido Y Bien

The appealing and accessible books in this series provide detailed activities that accentuate the more positive and enriching aspects of life and encourage the taking of a more active role in achieving happiness. The workbook format allows readers to take a hands-on approach to their lives by completing exercises, taking notes, and making the books their own. The exercises of self-reflection and observation included in this book will help readers set specific and realistic negotiating goals, define an appropriate strategy to achieve them, and understand the risks that they imply.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 64
  • Autor: Gerard Rodach
  • Tamaño: 1.87 - 2.17 MB
  • Descargas: 1054

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