Cold Cuts

Resumen del libro

libro Cold Cuts

Cold Cuts, is a type of travel journal transporting us to different places around the world, to enable us to trace in them the point of view of American culture on a certain art de vivre, on the changes and contributions of this culture in regards to those of the countries visited. The book contains texts, narratives, images and cooking recipes, given that it is mostly through food that we attempt to grasp the identity of a foreign country. That notwithstanding, beyond the harmless appearance of these tourist pilgrimages, we are confronted with the interferences of yet another undoubtedly more problematic question, that has to do with the imperialist impact on those cultures.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 142
  • Autor: John Knight
  • Tamaño: 1.53 - 2.43 MB
  • Descargas: 1931

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