Resumen del libro
Amoxohtli Libro de Carretera A Road Book is a book full of photos and drawings, which came together from a project the artist Jimmie Durham developed in Mexico City. Durham describes the book as a road book after, he says, Homers Odyssey, Cervantess Don Quixote, and Kerouacs on the Road. it begins with the French founding of Detroit and moves quickly past the race-riots there in the 20th century to a brief history of the U.S. automobile industry. That brings the story into Mexico And The uses various Mexican governmental agencies have employed For The Chrysler-Dodge company cars. The first language of the book is Nahuatl, The language of the Aztecs. Spanish is next, with English, As Durham originally wrote it, almost as a footnote in the back. Nahuatl, Spanish and English text.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 226
- Autor: Jimmie Durham
- Tamaño: 1.61 - 2.10 MB
- Descargas: 1166
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