62 [i.e. Sesenta Y Dos]

Resumen del libro

libro 62 [i.e. Sesenta Y Dos]

First published in English in 1972 and long out of print, 62: A Model Kit is Julio Cortazars brilliant, intricate blueprint for life in the so-called City . As one of the main characters, the intellectual Juan, puts it: to one person the City might seem to be Paris, to another it might be where one goes upon getting out of bed in Barcelona, to another it might appear as a beer hall in Oslo. This cityscape, as Carlos Fuentes describes it, seems drawn up by the Marx Brothers with an assist from Bela Lugosi! It is the meeting place for a wild assortment of bohemians in a novel described by The New York Times as Deeply touching, enjoyable, beautifully written and fascinatingly mysterious . Library Journal has said 62: A Model Kit is a highly satisfying work by one of the most extraordinary writers of our time .

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 268
  • Autor: Julio Cortazar
  • Tamaño: 1.95 - 2.23 MB
  • Descargas: 1316

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